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High Yield Money Market Account.

Rate Tiers To Maximize Earnings

Multiple rate tiers ensure you’re earning more as your balance grows.
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Higher Balances Earn Higher Rates

As you save more, you earn more. Your money does all the work for you!
Apply Now

No Penalty For Withdrawals

Have easy access to your money! ($2,000 minimum balance must be maintained to earn dividends).
Apply Now
woman in white long sleeve shirt on laptop

View Your Account in Online Banking

Access your Money Market Account in Online Banking alongside all your other accounts for easy money management.

Set up automatic payments, transfer funds, and so much more! It only takes a couple of clicks to get started.
Woman sitting on sofa while on laptop

Use Your Account For Overdraft Protection

With our busy lives, it's easy to make mistakes such as forgetting to deposit a check or make a transfer. A simple error can lead to an unexpected shortage of funds. Allegiance has a solution!

Link your Checking Account to your Money Market Account to get Overdraft Protection for Free!
woman in white long sleeve shirt on laptop

View Your Account in Online Banking

Access your Money Market Account in Online Banking alongside all your other accounts for easy money management.

Set up automatic payments, transfer funds, and so much more! It only takes a couple of clicks to get started.
Woman sitting on sofa while on laptop

Use Your Account For Overdraft Protection

With our busy lives, it's easy to make mistakes such as forgetting to deposit a check or make a transfer. A simple error can lead to an unexpected shortage of funds. Allegiance has a solution!

Link your Checking Account to your Money Market Account to get Overdraft Protection for Free!
woman in white long sleeve shirt on laptop

View Your Account in Online Banking

Access your Money Market Account in Online Banking alongside all your other accounts for easy money management.

Set up automatic payments, transfer funds, and so much more! It only takes a couple of clicks to get started.

Money Market Account Rates

Earn more with competitive tiered rates. Higher balances earn higher rates.

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. $2,000 minimum deposit to open.

Money Market Account Rates
Tier Amount
Tier Amount
$2,000 - $9,999
Tier Amount
$10,000 - $24,999
Tier Amount
$25,000 - $49,999
Tier Amount
$50,000 - $99,999
Tier Amount
$100,000 - $199,999
Tier Amount
$200,000 +
Effective September 13, 2022

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. $2,000 minimum deposit to open.


Experience Opportunity

woman sitting on boat
Save For A Trip
Use your savings for that trip you’ve been dreaming about!
woman pulled over raising her hand while on the phone
Create A Safety Net
You never know when the unexpected might be costly.
married couple on the beach
Save For A Big Event
Life’s big events can be expensive. Start saving now!
When you save money in a Money Market Account you’ll earn more without sacrificing access to your cash. What experiences will you save for?
woman sitting on boat
Save For A Trip
Use your savings for that trip you’ve been dreaming about!
woman pulled over raising her hand while on the phone
Create A Safety Net
You never know when the unexpected might be costly.
married couple on the beach
Save For A Big Event
Life’s big events can be expensive. Start saving now!

Claim your FREE copy!

What this guide includes:

Free budgeting templates and expert tips.

Money-saving tips and templates to help you manage your monthly budget successfully.

  1. Why you need a budget
  2. Keeping track of your expenses
  3. Setting realistic savings goals 
  4. Ways to stretch your budget
  5. Growing emergency savings 


A Faster Way To Save!

A Money Market Account allows you to save money faster, with higher rates of return on larger balances, while allowing you to still have access to your cash without penalties. 

There are no monthly service fees and you’ll have access to free Online Banking, free eStatements, and you can use your Money Market Account for Overdraft Protection for free.


Read more +

Money Market Accounts are great alternatives to a traditional Savings Account when you have at least $2,000 to start it with.

With greater earning potential through competitive rates and flexibility to use your money when you need it, you’ll have the best of both worlds when you open a Money Market account today.

parents looking at their baby happily
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Have more questions?

We are here to answer all of your questions. Let us know how we can help!

A Money Market Account is a type of savings account with tiered rates that pays a higher rate of return on higher balances. It’s a type of investment account that allows you full access to your money without penalties.

Nope! We’d be happy to open the account for you over the phone or through Video Banking. We can transfer the minimum deposit of $2,000 from your ACU Checking or Savings Account.

Dividends are paid monthly. $2,000 minimum balance must be maintained to earn dividends.

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